Monday, April 21, 2014

New to this..

Well I decided to start a blog for this new journey I'm on.  So I'll just start from the beginning:
It was April 20,2013 and I had been hanging out with the girls drinking and running around before a lame date I felt guilted into. However as I was leaving one of the girls' house this extra good looking guy I had sort of text from Facebook walked by and I was completely taken over by nerves. Well after that day we started texting and talking nonstop, add the growing feelings and about 3 weeks later he and I started dating. This is where our relationship hit fast forward, he moved in and we started our lives together insanely quick. Well in July we found out we were going to be parents just two months into this new relationship, in September we learned we'd be the proud parents of a baby girl. Around the end of February, early march we set the indication date for our sweet baby girl at this point named, Serenity Layla Hope, for March 17 at 7:30 am. The weekend of March 8, I started to get overwhelmed with pain, and inconsistent contractions. I held off as long as I could avoiding being sent home from the hospital to wait longer or for our doctors appointment. However, March 11 at around 11ish in the morning my contractions had became too much for me to bear and we started packing bags and preparing for the hospital. We arrived at around 1pm and I had this strange feeling because I hadn't really felt Serenity move a lot in the last few hours but chalked it up to she was on her way. After what felt like a lifetime we were finally admitted in our room in labor and delivery, and the nurse started to hook up the machines, only, the couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. One nurse after another until there were 3 or 4 were in the room and finally they ordered the ultrasound machine where it showed Serenity's heart no longer beating. I was already a hysterical mess at this point. Somewhere in between the doctor, nurses, family , friends, and a myriad of people started showing up and talking and it's all still a blur... Next thing I know is I'm signing papers, getting drugs, and wheeled off for my c-section. I was in a twilight, I remember bargaining with god if she would just somehow be okay when they got her out, I remember Matthew dressed in his daddy' gown gear, and I remember the tug and pull on my belly, and mostly I remember this sweet, chubby cheeked face (6lbs, 3oz; 18.5 in) placed in front of mine and none of my bargaining had worked, she wasn't crying. A few hours later after the drugs wore off I awoke hoping to be from the nightmare I was suddenly in and there she was, not crying, or moving. I remember holding her, inspecting her, loving on her and crying and bargaining more with god for her to just wake up in my arms. The doctor and people came in and informed me her cord got wrapped too tight around her neck and there was nothing that could have been done. Everything is mostly a blur. I remember questions, answers, friends, family, pictures, and all the while I'm just praying to God for him to wake her up, or for me to wake up from the nightmare. I thinking I could update the masses shared on Facebook and got an outpouring of love, support, and ignorance. I didn't know how to handle any of it. There's some stuff that was said that still angers me, still cuts like a knife, and other stuff I frankly don't remember. People were in and out all night, family, friends, nurses, doctors.. It seemed to fly by and drag on all in one mass confusion. And then they came to take her for the night. It was so hard to sleep my first night without her. The next day it was just Matthew, our moms and I with Serenity for a few hours and then we both got released from the hospital, only we went home empty handed :( we met with the funeral people, finalized everything and instead of a coming home party, we had successfully planned our first funeral.  The funeral was a beautiful service, much of it still a big blur of faces, songs, and the agony of knowing it would be the last time I saw, held, or kissed my sweet Serenity.

I know I typed a lot tonight, and I'll update more on what happened in the first week home, after, at work, and plans for now., so bear with me.

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