Friday, August 8, 2014

How to say "I am sorry" to a grieving parent.

A loss no one can fathom. 
A pain so crippling, your world literally comes to a screeching halt. 
So mind numbing... Phsyically numbing. The only thing you feel is this constant stabbing where your heart is aching in your chest. It's hard to breathe. Your mind this sudden whirlwind trying to process the events.... 

I remember sitting in the hospital and everyone was telling me "I'm so sorry for your loss" "I can't imagine how you feel right now" "everything happens for a reason" "god just needed another angel" "at least you still have Anna belle" and someone even told Matthew "at least you don't have to pay child support now bro" 

Naturally when a child dies, before their life ever actually began it's confusing. Even the most seasoned doctors and nurses are lifted stumped in their tracks. 
I know. I sat with my ob, and nurses and cried and cried with no words spoken many, many times. 

I never for once have ever wished anyone to feel any empathy for me. I never wish anyone to feel this pain that courses through my body. Almost as if my blood has been replaced with grief, and it's becoming me. 

And for what reason, what cause of the greater good could it be served that my daughters heart stopped beating? 

Also, there's literally over 6.8 billion people in the world, and god had to call my unborn daughter first? He couldn't even let me say hi? Instead I'm left with so many unanswered questions and gaps and who she would have been and what if's? 

And I feel I can speak on Matthew's behalf that he would shell out millions if that meant his baby girl was back in his arms. Child support. Ha. The last of his fatherly worries. 

So here my point. A simple: I'm sorry, I'll be praying for you. Or you're in my thoughts, surely will suffice. While I know no one meant any harm, it didn't stop it from feeling like salt in my open wound. And how do you tell them? Do you spare their feelings when you feel you have none left but negative and sorrow? 
I have met so many people standing in my very shoes and yet no one has ever congratulated them on making a child so beautiful and perfect they got a first class ticket to heaven. I am not sorry for Serenity's life. She's touched more people than I ever dreamed. I am a proud mommie of two. A proud angel mom. My children are my life. Even in their death. 

So I'll leave you with this:  

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