Friday, April 3, 2015

Antibody D.

It sounds so ominous. 
Antibody d. 
Most people don't even know what it is. 
For me, it's a what ruined my life. 
It's what stole my baby girl. 
It's what could steal this new baby girl. 

(If you don't follow me on any other social media baby bean is, actually a girl!) 

It all starts in 2009, when I met Anna belle's father and she was conceived. 
My pregnancy with Anna belle was far from blissful. It was pure hell.
Around 24 weeks my insurance dropped me and I was forced to find a new doctor. In case you didn't know, it's near impossible. 
I was forced to get on tenncare and I finally found a doctor. However I was nearing 28 weeks. 
This place was unorganized, ghetto, overcrowded and understaffed. 
My charts got mixed with someone else's and all of my escalating health issues were going undetected. 
Somewhere around 32-34 weeks it was discovered I had a negative blood type and I got a routine rhogam shot. But this wasn't my only problem. I was only severely preeclampsic and the doctor didn't discover it yet. Not until 37 weeks when I was now fully eclampsic, staring at a monitor as my babies heart rate increased into the 200's and I started to seize. I told you, it was a nightmare. 

Well upon having Anna belle and waiting almost 4 years to have another, with a different father. My charts with Anna belle that were never completed anyways got lost. I did however get my necessary after birth rhogam. Just about the only thing the office did right. But it has since been discovered that Anna belle was right on the line for anemia, and all the warning signs were there that my blood was attacking hers. 
Then here comes serenity. It had been so long and the charts weren't there, the antibody levels were low enough to go undetected. I had the rhogam at 28 weeks when you're supposed to. However, our blood was already crossing. Serenity was extremely anaemic as well. But because I had been given the rhogam the levels were off, it wasn't until her cord wrapped and she was too weak, that we lost her. Had all this been caught she may still be here. 
But given her unexpected death, and the high emotions surrounding it. I was never given my after birth rhogam shot.
I was then fully rh sensitized. 
And for months these antibodies would be forming and plotting their havoc. 
Until there was Selena. 
As if this pregnancy wasn't emotional enough, stressful enough, I have to worry every day if my body will attack hers. 
My body. 
My body I put in the care of professionals 
Is now a full force to be reckoned with. 
And it pisses me off. 
How simple neglance 5 years ago, lead me here. The fate of my child's life dangling by a thin thread of countless doctors appointments, endless vials of blood work, tests after tests.....
So many big words slapping me in the face...
It's downright unfair. 

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